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“Some Palynological Applications Of Multivariate Statistics”. Geoscience. Geoscience. University of Arizona.
. 1970. “Las Trampas, New Mexico: Dendrochronology Of A Spanish Colonial Church”. Department Of Geosciences. Department Of Geosciences. Tucson: University of Arizona.
. 1972. Ames, Martha Hyde_ Las Trampas, New Mexico; Dendrochronology of a Spanish Colonial Church_1972.pdf (52.99 MB)“Jahrringchronologische Und- Klimatologische Untersuchungen An Der Zirbe Und Anderen Bäumen Des Hochgebirges”. Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität.
. 1949. “The Interpretation Of Archaeological Tree-Ring Dates”. Anthropology. Anthropology. University of Arizona.
. 1985. “Fire Histories Of Upper Elevation Forests In The Gila Wilderness, New Mexico Via Fire Scar And Stand Age Structure Analyses”. School Of Renewable Natural Resources. School Of Renewable Natural Resources. Tucson: University of Arizona.
. 1997. Abolt, Rena Ann P._Fire Histories of Upper Elevation Forests in the Gila Wilderness, New Mexico Via Fire Scar and Stand Age Structure Analyses_1997.pdf (97.92 MB)“Descent, Land Use And Inheritance: Navajo Land Tenure Patterns In Canyon De Chelly And Canyon Del Muerto”. Anthropology. Anthropology. University of Arizona. Thedevelopmentofandchangesinhumansocialorganizationhavebeenaconcernofanthropologicalresearchsincetheinceptionofthediscipline.Aperspectivethatfocusesontheinteractionbetweenexogenous(ecologicalandhistorical)variablesandso.
. 1985. . 1969.
. 2006.
. 1967.