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PDF icon Bannister, Bryant, Robinson, William, Warren, Richard_Tree-Ring Dates From New Mexico A,G-H Shiprock-Zuni-Mt. Taylor Area_1970.pdf (47.97 MB)
PDF icon Robinson, William, Harrill Bruce, Warren, Richard_Tree-Ring Dates from New Mexico B Chaco-Gobernador Area_1974.pdf (77.11 MB)
PDF icon Robinson, William, Warren, Richard_Tree-Ring Dates from New Mexico C-D Northern Rio Grande Area_1971.pdf (44.28 MB)
PDF icon Hannah, John, Harrill, Bruce, Robinson, William_Tree-Ring Dates from New Mexico I,O,U Central Rio Grande Area_1972.pdf (70.81 MB)
PDF icon Harrill, Bruce, Robinson, William, Warren, Richard_Tree-Ring Dates from New Mexico J-K,P,V Santa Fe-Pecos-Lincoln Area_1973.pdf (55.07 MB)
PDF icon Bannister, Bryant, Hannah, John, Robinson, William_Tree-Ring Dates from New Mexico M-N,S,Z Southwestern New Mexico Area_1970.pdf (103.96 MB)
PDF icon Robinson_Tree-Ring Studies of the Pueblo de Acoma_1987.pdf (10.21 MB)
PDF icon Robinson_Tree-Ring Studies of the Pueblo de Acoma Supplement No 2_1988.pdf (575.18 KB)
PDF icon Robinson_Tree-Ring Studies of the Pueblo de Acoma Supplement No 1_1988.pdf (1.94 MB)