Support the LTRR
Thank you for supporting the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
Your contributions help us to continue our mission as the preeminent center for the advancement of tree-ring techniques, and the broad application of dendrochronology in the social and environmental sciences. You can choose to support the LTRR through any of the following areas of research, teaching and outreach:
LTRR Collection

The Rex Adams Endowment for the Tree-Ring Archive plays a vital role in ensuring unique and irreplaceable tree-ring specimens are protected and available for the next generations both regionally, nationally, and internationally. Endowment funds will initially be used to help support the Tree-Ring Archive’s ongoing program of experiential learning for undergraduate students who gain hands-on training and experience in museum standard archival and curation practices, while assisting with the ongoing survey, cataloging, rehousing, preservation, and access to wood specimens already housed within the repository.
Contribute to the Rex Adams EndowmentOutreach & Science Education

Our LTRR Outreach Program is the core of communicating science to a broader audience and serves as the “heartwood” of our science education program. It is through your support that we are able to deliver a top-notch outreach and science driven education program. Each year, thousands of visitors ranging from preschool through retiree are enriched through interactions with our researchers, docent outreach team, one-of-a-kind exhibits, lab tours, classroom visits and the Sky Island Science Investigators field classes. Your support is vital to educating the public as well as fostering the next generation of researchers.
Support Outreach Contribute to the Malcolm Hughes Endowment for OutreachAegean Dendrochronology Project
The Aegean Dendrochronology Project (ADP) & Interdisciplinary Chronology of Civilizations Project (ICCP) seeks to provide a calendar dated history for the rise and fall of civilizations in the ancient Mediterranean between 5000 BCE and 1000 CE. Support is requested for the annual fund to support current interdisciplinary archaeological science projects combining tree-ring dating, archaeology and radiocarbon. Contributions to the Peter and Ellie Kuniholm Endowment for Aegean Dendrochronology are also much appreciated.
Donate to ADP annual fund Contribute to the Peter and Ellie Kuniholm Endowment for Aegean Dendrochronology
Bristlecone pine research

Bristlecone pines are the longest living trees in the world. In tree-ring series spanning millennia, they hold time capsules of past environment that can be vital to our understanding of the past, present and future. Support is needed to continue fundamental research and student opportunities to learn more from these ancient sentinels.
Support bristlecone pine research Contribute to the Thomas P. Harlan Bristlecone Pine AwardSouthwestern Dendroarchaeology
The history of dendrochronology is rooted in the archeology of the Southwestern USA. It tells a story of culture and climate that is as relevant to current day populations as it is to people of the past. Support is needed for ongoing work on chronology, climate and people in this region.
Support SW dendroarchaeologyDirector's Priorities

If you would like to provide general support to the LTRR you can choose to support the director's priorities or contact LTRR Director, David Frank, to discuss. The work of the lab is wide and cross-cutting with opportunities to advance climate change research and increase diversity, equity and inclusion high on the list of priorities.
General LTRR supportMail in Donations
For donations by mail, please make checks payable to The Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research and addressed to:
The Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
c/o Main Business Office
1215 E. Lowell Street
Tucson, AZ 85721-0045
Please let us know if you would like to contribution to a specific fund or to the area of greatest need.