Tree-Ring Talk Seminar Series 23-24

The Tree-Ring Talk Seminar series is held every Wednesday at Noon in Bannister 110 and via zoom (unless otherwise noted). If you are interested in giving a talk, please contact:  Dr. Pamela Pelletier: sends e-mail)  OR 520.621.0984

Spring 2024 Schedule

February 7 - Dr. Nicolas Brehm, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Arizona

February 14 - ***Live Stream 7PM*** Dr. Charlotte Pearson, University of Arizona - College of Science Lecture Series

February 21 - Dr. Heather Haines, Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Geography; University of Nevada, Reno

February 28 - Dr. Kim Wood, Associate Professor, Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, the University of Arizona

March 6 - UA Spring Break - No Talk

March 13 - Dr. Lizbeth Carrillo Arizmendi, Postdoc at the Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Rurales of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.

March 20 - Tree-Ring Day

March 27 - Jaime Yazzie, Forest Health Analyst

April 3 - Dr. Ze'ev Gedalof, Associate Professor Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics at University of Guelph

No Tree-Ring Talk this week. Instead, consider joining us for the PhD defense of LTRR's Talia Anderson on ""Rainfall variability, extreme events, and climate information in the Central American Dry Corridor" on April 9th at 9AM, MST, In person: Room 110 in the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research and via zoom

April 17 - Francisco González Carrión,  Marine Ecology & Resources Instituto de Investigaciones Marina

April 24 - Dr. Nathan B English, Associate Professor in Environmental Science, Flora, Fauna & Freshwater Cluster Leader

CQ University Australia

May 1 - Lorraine Roy, Art Textiles at Hillcrest Studio