Outreach is an integral part of LTRR efforts to accomplish its teaching and research goals. Outreach is an important means of disseminating dendrochronological knowledge beyond academia and for generating new research and teaching opportunities. The wide scope of our outreach reflects the interdisciplinary nature and global impact of LTRR.
Education outreach and community engagement are integral components of Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research Outreach Program. LTRR outreach involves interdisciplinary science education of dendrochronological practice including archaeology, climatology, ecology, paleoenvironment, and global change. This broad-front effort impactfully touches audiences including elementary and secondary school children, university students and faculty, government scientists and administrators, businesses, print, broadcast, and electronic media, and interested individuals from most parts of the world.
We offer a wide range of instructional and training programs that invite students, science teachers and members of the community to gain cutting-edge knowledge and hands-on laboratory experience. Our goal is to raise awareness of the value in scientific research and to stimulate further interest in careers in science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).
We are committed to promoting public awareness (and understanding) of science and making informal contributions to science education. As part of our Outreach program, we strive to inspire new connections and nurture existing connections among our community, which includes visitors to and residents of Tucson, and the K-12 educators and students communities.
We know that a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community is a more innovative and successful one. We strive to center diversity, equity, and inclusion practices in all facets, from our K-12 curriculum and education, research, and outreach engagements. We recognize the importance of reflection and open and honest conversations about the current challenges faced by underrepresented groups and communities, not only on our campus but within the community and profession at large. Equity in education, science and engineering will never be achieved without action and a broader recognition of the impact injustice has in our daily lives.
Use the navigation links to explore the current outreach opportunities for students, teachers and members of the community.
For more information, please contact:
Pamela Pelletier: outreach@ltrr.arizona.edu(link sends e-mail) OR 520.621.0984