Bannister 110

Adaptation to environmental variation in short-lived organisms: what can tree rings tell us?

Organismal survival can depend on response to environmental variation.  Several modes of response to environmental variation have been documented, including adaptive tracking, adaptive phenotypic plasticity and the evolution of so-called “bet hedging” traits.  I present empirical evidence that short-lived organisms, including the monocarpic herb, Lobelia inflata (Campanulaceae), adapt to environmental variation.  Genetic population differentiation among traits of five eastern North American populations of L.

ARCE Chapter Lecture: Cops and Robbers, Egyptian Style: Police Work in Ptolemaic Egypt

Free and open to the public.American Research Center in Egypt - Arizona Chapter Annual Meeting at 5:00 pm.Lecture to follow at 5:30 pm.

The New Home of Tutankhamun: The Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza

The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) holds in trust for Egypt and the world a chronological statement for the ancient story of Egypt over the past 7000 years of history. Neighboring a timeless wonder, the Giza Pyramids, the new museum is to pay homage to eternal ancient Egyptian history, monuments, and treasures and hosting over 100,000 artifacts, around 5000 of which belong to the golden Pharaoh Tutankhamun. The project is conceived as an integration of a complex of museums and facilities capable of offering both educational and recreational opportunities.

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