October 2011

The Use and Limitation of Dendrochronology in Studying the Effects of Air Pollution on Forests

Cook, Edward Roger. 1985. The Use And Limitation Of Dendrochronology In Studying The Effects Of Air Pollution On Forests. Proceedings Of Nato Advanced Research Workshop: Effects Of Acidic Deposition On Forests, Wetlands And Agricultural Ecosystems. Proceedings Of Nato Advanced Research Workshop: Effects Of Acidic Deposition On Forests, Wetlands And Agricultural Ecosystems.

Tree-Ring Day

A Gathering for Tree-ring Lab Faculty, Staff, Students, and Friends.

Food and Refreshments provided (breakfast & lunch).

Come learn about the exciting research being conducted at the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research. Short presentations by faculty, students, and staff will keep you current on research involving tree-ring data in archaeology, ecology, climate, pollution, hydrology, and all aspects of Dendrochronology.