October 2012

Can dendrochronology solve the Santorini/Thera question? State of the art AD2012

Since 19th century, the date of the Minoan eruption of volcano Thera in the Southern Aegean Sea has been one of the most challenging historical questions in Aegean archaeology. This catastrophic event became the most important time-marker for East-Mediterranean civilizations. Recent application of the scientific dating methods generated new data, but confrontation with robust historical chronologies based on kings lists, documents, astronomic observations, etc., revealed weaknesses of radiocarbon and ice-core analysis.

Qualitative and Quantitative Variability of Tropical Tree Rings: Implications for Tropical Dendrochronology

Tropical tree species, like their temperate counterparts, show well defined rings, but the high diversity of tropical woody species is reflected in a high diversity of growth-zone structures, formed as a composition of different vessel, fiber and parenchyma characteristics.  Numerous examples show that even trees with generally distinct tree-ring boundaries are subject to high variability within a species and among individuals.

Giant Sequoia Slab Moving

See a video of a popular museum exhibit being restored to public view