December 2013

Stem anatomy of Mediterranean shrubs: an unexplored dendrochronological potential?

In treeless regions, shrubs and dwarf shrubs play an essential role in modeling relationships between wood anatomical diversity patterns and climate, growth ring variation and consequent carbon storage within plant communities. An extensive sampling campaign (including ~300 species) of shrubs and dwarf shrubs carried out on the island of Cyprus, in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, made it possible to analyze wood and bark anatomical features for ecological and evolutionary interpretation.

Process models of post-fire tree growth and mortality

Fire effects on tree growth and mortality result from an interaction of heat injuries to the roots, stem, and crown, but the mechanisms by which these injuries occur and interact are not completely understood. In this talk, I will discuss the current understanding of the physical and physiological mechanisms linking fire behavior to post-fire growth and mortality.

The Olive in Crete

The olive-tree of the Mediterranean is probably the world’s longest-lived cultivated plant. Olives generally, and ancient trees, are especially abundant in the island of Crete. Olives have been part of Crete’s successive cultures and cultural landscapes since the Neolithic, some 9000 years ago. We shall deal with the African origins of the olive tree, how it got to Crete, the uses made of it, and the present and future of ancient existing trees.

Self-reinforcing patterns of forest fire severity in the southern Cascades, USA

Forest fire severity in dry conifer forests in California has increased in recent decades resulting in more severe fire effects. There is considerable scientific debate on whether this increase is outside the historical range of variability. One of the challenges in making this assessment is that for most places, we don't know what historical patterns of fire severity were and how they compare to contemporary patterns.

Summer Tree-Ring Classes

Come to the University of Arizona for intensive summer tree-ring courses.