February 2015

LTRR @ Expanding Your Horizons

Mary Glueck will be delivering two mid-morning Dendrochronology workshops at this sepcial event for young women in science. The event is in Sahaurita and is facilitated by the Women in Science and Engineering organization.   

LTRR @ UA Volunteer Fair: UA Mall !

The LTRR Outreach Team will be a hosting a table at the UA Volunteer Fair. Docent and Student volunteers are needed for this important event. Please contact Pamela Pelletier for more information about volunteering and participating at the event. We welcome everyone to visit us between 11a-2pm on the UA Mall to learn how to get involved at the LTRR!

EEB Graduate Student Tour

This tour is for prospective EEB Graduate Students or EEB students interested in learning more about the LTRR. Tour guests are asked to arrive at the Bryant Bannister Tree-Ring Building at 9:50am to sign in. The tour will begin at 10am in the main lobby and will last for approximately one hour.

Carmelite Talk and Tour

This event will be led by Dr. Katie Hirschboeck. 

LTRR @ Tucson Gem & Mineral Show

The UA Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research will host a table alongside the Department of Geology at the Tucson Convention Center as part of the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show! Please visit our table!

LTRR @ Tucson Gem & Mineral Show

The UA Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research will host a table alongside the Department of Geology at the Tucson Convention Center as part of the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show! Please visit our table!