April 2015

CANCELLED: Docent Training Session

The docent training and information session for May 2, 2015 has been cancelled however we encourage you to contact Pamela Pelletier at pamela@email.arizona.edu or 520.621.0984 for more inofrmation on the LTRR Outreach Program. We will be sending announcements out regarding the next docent session and hope to see you there!

LTRR @ Casa Ninos Montessori

This special visit to Casa Ninos School of Montesorri will be conducted by Pamela Pelletier, Director of Outreach.

Arizona Project WET Tour

This special tour is for Arizona Projext WET and will be lead by Pamela Pelletier, Director of Outreach.

LTRR @ Sam Hughes Elementary

Volunteers are needed to assist Lead Docent Randall Smith at the Sam Hughes Elementary School Earth Day Celebration. If you are available to volunteer please contact Pamela Pelletier at pamela@email.arizona.edu or 520.621.0984 for more information.

PLS 235 Student Visit

This event will be hosted by Docent Randall Smith and will include a tour for the PLS 235 Students. The tour will begin in the main lobby of the Bryant Bannister Tree-Ring Building.

LTRR Director candidates give public talks

LTRR Director candidates are giving public talks in April and May.