January 2016

Probing (into) the memory of trees with dendrochronology

Communicating with trees through dendrochronology involve developing observational skills that goes beyond the usual year-to-year changes in ring width. Developing excellent observational skills is at the core of crossdating and dendrochronology. Understanding how tree-rings are affected by environmental factors also allows their use in reconstructing conditions prior to the onset of instrumental records. In this talk, I will briefly cover a few research projects being pursued at the University of Winnipeg DendroEcology Laboratory (UWDEL).

Asian Monsoon Variability over the Past Millennium Reconstructed from Long Tree-Ring Records: the Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas, version 2 (MADAv2)

The Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas, version 2 (MADAv2), is a substantially updated and improved year-to-year reconstruction of summer drought and wetness on a 1.0° grid over Monsoon Asia. It has been developed using the same basic methodology as that used in producing the previous version (MADAv1) published in 2010 and is now based on an improved target field of self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Indices (scPDSI) and a significantly larger network of 453 tree-ring chronologies compared to the previous effort.

UA Commencement

The UA will be hosting a series of commencement cermonies across campus. We advise visitors to the lab to arrive early and be aware that parking may be limited over the weekend due to multiple graduation events.