April 2024

Climate change, wildfire, and landscape homogenization in Western Canada

Wildfire is the most important disturbance agent in forests of Western Canada, affecting stand structure and composition, biodiversity, biogeochemical cycling, hydrologic processes, and natural resource extraction.  Despite considerable research, consensus on the frequency and severity of historical fire occurrence has been elusive in much of the Canadian Cordillera.  Some of this uncertainty derives from epistemological differences between influential researchers in the discipline, but much derives from methodological limitations.  One area of parti

Diné forests: unraveling early warning signs in tree rings

Diné forests face escalating challenges from changing climate, impacting forest health and resilience. Tree rings collected within a forestry inventory are enhancing our understanding of forest dynamics on the Navajo Nation. In this presentation, we share the results of this study, conducted in partnership with the Navajo Forestry Department (NFD), combining dendrochronological analyses and forest inventory by employing a stratified random subsample of NFD’s Continuous Forest Inventory to assess the responses of Diné forests to climate variability.