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“Spatial Relationships In Frost-Damaged High-Elevation Pines And Links To Major Volcanic Eruptions”. Geoscience. Geoscience. Tucson: University of Arizona.
. 2001. 
. 2000.
“Aspen: Ecological Processes And Management Eras In Northwestern Wyoming, 1807--1998”. Geology And Geography. Geology And Geography. University of Arizona.
. 2000. “The Organization Of Migrant Communities On A Pueblo Frontier”. Anthropology. Anthropology. University of Arizona.
. 1999. “Sierra Nevada Tree Rings And Atmospheric Circulation”. Geoscience. Geoscience. University of Arizona.
. 1998. . 1996.
“Synoptic Dendroclimatology In The Upper Marmada River Basin: An Exploratory Study In Central Asia”. Geoscience. Geoscience. University of Arizona.
. 1996. “Great Kivas As Integrative Architecture In The Silver Creek Community, Arizona”. Anthropology. Anthropology. University of Arizona.
. 1994. . 1985.
. 1982.
Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere 1. Argentina. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere. Tucson: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research.
. 1979. 
Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere 2. Chile. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere.
. 1979. 
Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere 3. New Zealand. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere. Tucson: The Tree Ring Laboratory.
. 1979. 
Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere 5. South Africa. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere. Tucson: Laboratory of Tree Ring Research.
. 1979. 
“The Response Of Flooding In The Upper Mississippi Valley To Twentieth Century Climatic Fluctuations 1925-1969”. Geography. Geography. University of Wisconsin.
. 1975. Tree-Ring Dates From Arizona H-I Flagstaff Area. Tucson: University of Arizona.
. 1975. 
“Analysis Of Bitterbrush Stems From Mt. Hebron, California”. Tucson: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research.
. 1974. 
Tree-Ring Dates From Colorado V Mesa Verde Area. Tucson: University of Arizona.
. 1974. 
Tree-Ring Dates From New Mexico B Chaco-Gobernador Area. Tucson: University of Arizona.
. 1974. 
Tree-Ring Dates From New Mexico J-K,p,v Santa Fe-Pecos-Lincoln Area. Tucson: University of Arizona.
. 1973. 
Tree-Ring Dates From New Mexico I,o,u Central Rio Grande Area. Tucson: University of Arizona.
. 1972.