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Douglass, AE. 1946. Researches In Dendrochronology. Bulletin Of The University Of Utah 37 (No. 2). Bulletin Of The University Of Utah.
LaMarche, VC, RL Holmes, PW Dunwiddie, and LG Drew. 1979. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere 1. Argentina. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere. Tucson: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research.
PDF icon Tree Ring Chronologies of the Southern Hemisphere 1. Argentina_1979.pdf (73.67 MB)
LaMarche, VC, RL Holmes, PW Dunwiddie, and LG Drew. 1979. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere 2. Chile. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere.
PDF icon Tree Ring Chronologies of the Southern Hemisphere 2. Chile_1979.pdf (53.34 MB)
LaMarche, VC, RL Holmes, PW Dunwiddie, and LG Drew. 1979. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere 5. South Africa. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere. Tree Ring Chronologies Of The Southern Hemisphere. Tucson: Laboratory of Tree Ring Research.
PDF icon Tree Ring Chronologies of the Southern Hemisphere 5. South Africa_1979.pdf (32.53 MB)
PDF icon Douglass, AE_Tree Ring Dates and Dating of Southwestern Prehistoric Ruins.pdf (3 MB)
Douglass, AE. 1937. Tree Rings And Chronology. University Of Arizona Bulletin VII (No. 4). University Of Arizona Bulletin.
PDF icon Douglass, AE_Tree Rings and Chronology_1937.pdf (58.21 MB)
Peterson, Roy M, and AE Douglass. 1944. Tree Rings And Climatic Cycles, Laboratory Of Tree-Ring Research, Astronomical Studies. Phi Kappa Phi Journal. Phi Kappa Phi Journal. Tucson: University of Arizona.
PDF icon Peterson, Roy M_Phi Kappa Phi Journal_1944.pdf (75.53 MB)
LaMarche, VC, and H Fritts. 1971. Tree Rings, Glacial Advance, And Climate In The Alps. Zeitschrift Fur Gletscherkunde Und Glazialgeologie VII. Zeitschrift Fur Gletscherkunde Und Glazialgeologie.
Tree Rings Nature's Calendar For The Archaeologist. 1940. Field Museum News. Field Museum News.
Dewitt, E, and Martha Hyde Ames. 1978. Tree-Ring Chronologies Of Eastern North America. Chronology Series Iv. Vol. 1. Chronology Series Iv. Tucson: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research.
PDF icon Tree Ring Chronologies of Eastern North America_1978.pdf (54.86 MB)
PDF icon Robinson, William, Harrill, Bruce, Warren, Richard_Tree-Ring Dates from Arizona H-I Flagstaff Area_1975.pdf (83.21 MB)
PDF icon Bannister, Bryant, Robinson, William, Warren, Richard_Tree-Ring Dates from Arizona J Hopi Mesas Area_1967.pdf (40.78 MB)
PDF icon Robinson, William, Harrill, Bruce_Tree-Ring Dates from Colorado V Mesa Verde Area_1974.pdf (114.94 MB)
Dean, Jeffrey S. 1975. Tree-Ring Dates From Colorado W Durango Area. Tucson: University of Arizona.
PDF icon Dean, Jeffrey_Tree-Ring Dates from Colorado W Durango Area_1975.pdf (71.77 MB)