Love Trees? Love Books? The Tree-Ring Open House is Saturday, March 14 from 9:30AM-4:30PM, as part of the Tucson Festival of Books. We are looking for volunteers to help at our event!We will train you - you don't have to know anything about dendrochronology to volunteer! We just need your enthusiam!Please sign up today! Two hours of your time will make a huge difference at our Event.We need volunteers for:
- Outreach Booth with hands-on activities
- Information Table
- Children's Storytelling
- Book Raffle Table
Join us for one of the following training session.Trainign Sessions:
- Monday, March 2 @ 10AM OR 2PM
- Monday, March 9 @ 10AM or 2PM.
Please contact Pamela Pelletier, Director of Outreach if you are interested in volunteering! Pamela can be reach at (520) 621.0984 or pamela@email.arizona.eduLove volunteering? We are looking for new docents to join our team. Docent training will be offered on the following Saturdays (10AM – Noon):
- April 18: Dr. Dave Meko. Talk Title TBD.
- May 2: Pamela Pelletier presents "An Introduction to Dendrochronology".