The Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (LTRR) offers short intensive courses in dendrochronology during the Univesity of Arizona's Summer Pre-session, intended not only for local students, but also for graduate and undergraduate students at other institutions, postdoctoral researchers, and working professionals with suitable backgrounds (undergraduates need to be advanced in dendroarcheology and dendroecology in order to register). The 2012 two-week dendroecology course was to have been split between the main University of Arizona campus in Tucson and the Valles Caldera Science & Education Center in Jemez Springs, New Mexico (the venue for the 2012 North American Dendroecology Field Week), but has now been cancelled. Future course details will be posted here when the updated information is available.
Summer Tree-Ring Studies at the University of Arizona LTRR
Tone Ektvedt