Tree-Ring Studies of the Pueblo de Acoma: A Preliminary Report

TitleTree-Ring Studies of the Pueblo de Acoma: A Preliminary Report
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1987
AuthorsRobinson, WJ
InstitutionLaboratory of Tree-Ring Research
Keywordsanthropology, dendrochronology, new mexico, pueblo de acoma, rehabilitation, sky city, tree ring

INTRODUCTIONIn the spring of 1986, the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research was contacted by the Laboratory of Anthropology, Museum of New Mexico regarding participation in archaeological clearance of the Pueblo de Acoma (Sky City) Rehabilitation Project. This project, funded by a Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant, had been ongoing since 1982 but only recently had considered compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Section 106).A meeting and field inspection was held at Acoma in September 1987 with representatives of the Sky City Rehabilitation Project (Vallo), the Museum of New Mexico (Ware, Adams, Ladd), and the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (Robinson, Dean). This meeting resulted in, among other things, a commitment from the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research to participate in the archaeological clearance and to seek its own funds to do so. As a consequence, a proposal and a budget covering the field work was submitted to a local Tucson foundation and funding was obtained. In the meantime, the Museum of New Mexico continued to work with the Pueblo de Acoma and HUD in developing an application for a new Block Grant.A second meeting was held at Acoma in January 1987 to discuss implementation of the cooperative agreement. In addition to the previous representatives, the Rehabilitation Project consulting architect (McHenry) and the Bureau of Indian Affairs archaeologist (Harrill) were present. Specific clearance of Area H was discussed and it was agreed that the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research project should be implemented in advance of construction and that some sampling in Area C would be possible in late April 1987.A final meeting was held in the council chambers of the Pueblo de Acoma on April 21, 1987 with homeowners in Area H whose houses were targeted for rehabilitation in 1987. In addition, the meeting was attended by First Lt. Governor Ray Histia, Mr. Greg Histia of the Acoma Development Authority, Mr. Dennis Vallo and Mr. Marvin Garcia of the Rehabilitation Project, and Dr. John Ware and Mr. Tom Livesly of the Museum of New Mexico as well as the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research crew. Discussions were held regarding scheduling and coordination of the Laboratory’s work and the concerns of the homeowners. Many homeowners asked questions about how vigas were sampled, how much time it would take, and whether any disturbance would occur. At the conclusion, all homeowners expressed satisfaction and real interest in the project.