Tree-Ring Studies of the Pueblo de Acoma: A Preliminary Report Supplement No. 2

TitleTree-Ring Studies of the Pueblo de Acoma: A Preliminary Report Supplement No. 2
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsRobinson, WJ
Date Published08/1988
InstitutionLaboratory of Tree-Ring Research
Keywordsanthropology, dendrochronology, new mexico, pueblo de acoma, rehabilitation, sky city, tree ring

INTRODUCTIONTwo final collection trips were made to the Pueblo de Acoma the week of May 15, 1988 and the week of July 19, 1988. The crew again consisted of the author and Jeffrey S. Dean, both from the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research.Once again the purpose of the trips was to complete work in Area H that had been bypassed on previous visits. This work was in fact completed during the second trip, but the May trip was diverted to work in Area A and Area B because Area H was not yet cleared of household goods. We were fortunate during the May visit to locate a number of structures, uninvolved with the Restoration Project, whose owners gave us permission to core.A considerable amount of time on both trips was spent comparing the plans of the Restoration Project with the plans drawn by the Historic American Buildings Survey in 1934 (Nabokov 1986; see reference in the initial report). As a result, a concordance of the numbering systems was developed (Table 2) to serve as a measure of architectural chance between 1934 and 1988. One unit could not be identified with any certainty and the units in Area F are less than certain. All others are, however, clearly cross referenced.