Western U.S. Tree-Ring Index Chronology Data for Detection of Arboreal Response to Increasing Carbon Dioxide

TitleWestern U.S. Tree-Ring Index Chronology Data for Detection of Arboreal Response to Increasing Carbon Dioxide
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1985
AuthorsGraybill, DA
Date Published04/1985
InstitutionLaboratory of Tree-Ring Research
Keywordsarboreal response, chronology, dendrochronology, increasing carbon dioxide, increasing co2, tree ring, western us

INTRODUCTIONThis report summarizes tree-ring chronologies recently developed by the University of Arizona Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research that can be used for the purpose of examining tree-ring growth response to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Portions of this research were accomplished under contract with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory project “Detection of forest response to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide” (Darrell C. West, P.I.).