Dendroclimatological Studies done by Nanjing University since 2006

Category: Time:
Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 11:45 to 13:00
Room: Speaker:
Jiangfeng Shi
Nanjing University, China
David Frank

Tree-Ring Lab at Nanjing University was built in 2006 after I got my PhD degree and moved to Nanjing University to work as a post-doctoral researcher. Since then, we have been focusing on tree-ring width studies in Southeast China which is a subtropical monsoon region with annual precipitation over 1,200 mm. We reconstructed cold season temperature and warm season temperature series over the past hundreds of years. In one case, we reconstructed one precipitation series. The research region has been extended to Southwest China recently. And we begin to explore the potential of tree-ring stable isotopes and radiocarbon, which might help us to build long chronologies using archaeological wood and extract their climatic implications. The long-term goal is to understand the relationship between climate and social development.