Prep - Open House @ TFOB

Category: Time:
Friday, March 1, 2019 - 08:00 to 17:00
Room: URL: Contact:
Pamela Pelletier 520.621.0894

Saturday ONLY!

March 2, 2018 from 10AM-2PM.

The Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research is proud to announce our annual Open House event during the Tucson Festival of Books.

·         Short Lab tours (meet the researchers behind the cutting-edge science discoveries)

·         Exhibit Hall & Displays Open

·         Children’s Storytelling & Activity Area (in Archive 140 - our Outreach Center)

Special Lecture @ 11:30 AM

Join us for a special lecture by Craig Childs, author of "Atlas of a Lost World". Book raffles and signings to follow the lecture.  Reservations suggested for lecture - contact OR 520.621.0984.