Hidden Life of Trees event @ the Loft Cinema

Category: Time:
Tuesday, April 19, 2022 - 19:00 to 21:00
Room: Speaker:
Kelly Heilman
Calendar Status:

Join the Center for Creative Photography on Tuesday, April 19th, 7PM @ the Loft Cinema for the screening of "The Hidden Life of Trees," with an introduction by the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research's Dr. Kelly Heilman, entitled, "Listening to the Trees: What tree rings tell us about the future of our forests." The evening is part of the Loft's signature series, Science on Screen, and is hosted in conjunction with CCP & LTRR's current exhibition, "trees stir in their leaves."


About the speaker: Dr. Kelly Heilman is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Arizona Laboratory of Tree Ring Research, working with Dr. Margaret Evans. In her research, Kelly aims to understand and predict how forests will respond to climate change.