At the crossroads: how tree-ring reconstructions can shape policy to protect vulnerable communities in the Colorado Basin

Category: Time:
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - 12:00 to 13:00
Room: URL: Speaker:
George Rhee
Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Pamela Pelletier
Calendar Status:

Tree-Ring Talks Seminar

Wednesday, October 4 at Noon, MST


Please join us for a presentation by Dr. George Rhee on "At the crossroads: how tree-ring-reconstructions can shape policy to protect vulnerable communities in the Colorado Basin" in Bannister 110 or via zoom.



The Colorado River is in crisis due to a combination of diminishing supply and increasing demand. We discuss the origin and ongoing cause of this problem. Dendrochronological reconstructions of river flows over the past centuries hold the key to solving the problem. We suggest improvements to current analyses. We propose actions that will ensure a safe future for communities dependent on the Colorado River for their existence.