The entire Math East building will be closed between March 10th and March 25th (Spring Break and the week after). The building contractor will be moving heavy steel beams overhead during the day, so this isn't just an administrative closure, but at real safety concern. Emergency access is possible after working hours, but only through the west entrance (the temporary wheelchair ramp). This will also be the only working building entrance from March 5th onwards (the week before the closure).The building will be open Monday as scheduled. The remaining work for the crane is now on the SE corner completing the frame there. Please use the west entrance and the ramp as your principal way the enter the building as the area around the glass door on the east side will continue to be impacted by construction activity for the next month.
Math East Building Closure
Saturday, March 10, 2012 - 08:00 to Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 17:00
Chris Baisan