Tree-Ring Day 2023

Friday, March 24, 2023

All activities are in the ENR2 building, not the usual LTRR venues. Talks are in Room S215; lunch is in the roof garden (next N604).


8:30AM — Coffee and pastries available


9:00AM — Get to know you activity

Lightning Talks

  • 9:20AM — Ellie Neifeld
  • 9:35AM — Kira Harris
  • 9:50AM — Julie Edwards
  • 10:05AM — Break
  • 10:20AM — Alex Nolin
  • 10:35AM — Juniper Bishop
  • 10:50AM — Ellie Broadman
  • 11:05AM — David Frank


11:30AM — Tamales on the roof garden

Tree-Ring Talk

12:30PM — Tree growth and hydrology in Southeastern South America: how tree rings reveal the history of climate and streamflow in Uruguay (Christine Lucas, LTRR Haury Fellow)

End 1:30PM

EarthWeek 2023 event program