Tree-Ring Day: Grads!
As part of EarthWeek 2017 events, graduate students at the Tree-Ring Lab have organized a mini-conference, showcasing some of their work. We invite you to join us as we share our unique research during this year’s EarthWeek activities. This year, students affiliated with the LTRR present their diverse and exciting research with talks and poster presentations. Join us Tuesday, March 28, from 9:00-2:30 for graduate student talks at the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (Bryant Bannister Tree-Ring Building, Room 110). The following day, Wednesday, March 29, be sure to come out and support Dr. Ross Alexander as he represents the LTRR in the plenary session.
Itinerary for Tree-Ring Day: Grads!
(Tuesday, March 28, 2017)
9:00 Rebecca Renteria
Homesteading in Cebolla Canyon, New Mexico: Ethnicity studies in using dendrochronology, historical documents, and oral histories
9:20 Rebecca Brice
Paleoclimatic indicators of surface water resources in the Chuska Mountains, Navajo Nation
9:40 Amy Hudson
Capturing fluxes 8 miles above us with plant growth events in our backyard
10:00 Sarah Frederick
Exploring the climate drivers of streamflow in the Missouri headwaters
10:20 Kai Lepley
To See a Tree
10:40 Jesse Minor
Fire regime changes in the Chiricahua Mountains
11:00 Kashja Iler
Tree-rings, time series, and tropical cyclones
11:20 Nesrine Rouin
Dendrochronology and NDVI as tools to study forest landscape fragmentation
11:40 Garrison Loope
Making sense of hydroclimate δ¹⁸O proxies in monsoon Asia using an iCESM-driven proxy system model network
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break and Student Awards
1:00 Paul Szejner
Inter-seasonal dependence of carbon and oxygen stable isotope ratios in distinct anatomical domains of tree rings from the North American Monsoon region
1:20 Hannah Herrick
Building at Bac: Historical Problems in Conservation at Mission San Xavier
1:40 Jessie Pearl
Swamp Stories: picking apart hydrologic and climate signals in the mesic northeastern United States