Julie Comnick presents The Art of Science: Catalina-Rincon Panorama Tree-Ring Talk

Category: Time:
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - 11:45 to 13:00
Room: URL: Speaker:
Julie Comnick
David Frank

Join us Wednesday, November 7 at Noon in Bannister 110 for a special Art & Science Tree-Ring talk by Julie Comnick in the Bryant Bannister Tree-Ring Building. 

Catalina-Rincon Panorama is a drawing rendered with wildfire charcoal collected from wildfire sites on two adjacent mountains outside of Tucson, Arizona. The expansive image shows the contrast between two landscapes: one is inhabited by humans and wildfire is suppressed, and the other is not. The density of charcoal in the drawing reflects the relative frequency and severity of wildfires in recent history. The charcoal samples used to create the drawing are displayed in proximity to each depicted wildfire site.

This project was created by Flagstaff artist Julie Comnick in collaboration the University of Arizona Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research. In this presentation, Comnick will speak about the experience working with LTRR for research and site visits, the process of creating the artwork with wildfire charcoal, and the relationship between art and science in public outreach and interpretation.