Gould-Simpson 209

GEOS 596K 8 Communicating science to non-experts

  1. Speaking in your professional capacity
  2. Honesty
  3. Effectiveness
  4. Consequences

GEOS 596K 6 Subject-specific standards

Rules and expectations vary by field, institution, agency and journal. Which apply to you in your chosen field?

  1. Privacy and confidentiality
  2. Access to materials and data
  3. Promptness of publication
  4. Algorithms and code
  5. Private and public domain geospatial information

GEOS 596K 5 Responsible conduct of field-based research

  1. Safety for you, your crew and for others
  2. Environmental impacts of your research
  3. Permits and liaison with landowners and land managers
  4. Field research in other countries, including returning materials to your lab

GEOS 596K 3 Proposals and Publication

  1. Who (authorship)?
  2. Where (to send it)?
  3. How (what to expect)?
  4. The roles of editors, panels, program managers and reviewers
  5. Explicit and assumed ‘rules of the game’

GEOS 596K 2 Whose data and materials are they?

  1. Intellectual property; ownership of data and samples
  2. Collected materials — recording, archiving, sharing
  3. Transparency
  4. Good housekeeping — records and meta-data

GEOS 596K 1 Introduction and overview

  1. Trust and honesty in science
  2. Relationships within a group/laboratory
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