Group Tour

FREE Docent-led One Hour Tour - Walk Ins Welcome

  • Reservations for Saturday tours are suggested but not required so that the docents may prepare in advance for your tour.
  • If your group is larger than 10 people, has specific interests or requires special accommodations, please let us know in advance so that we may accommodate your needs and tailor the tour experience specifically for your group.  

FREE Docent-led One Hour Tour - Walk Ins Welcome

  • Reservations for Saturday tours are suggested but not required so that the docents may prepare in advance for your tour.
  • If your group is larger than 10 people, has specific interests or requires special accommodations, please let us know in advance so that we may accommodate your needs and tailor the tour experience specifically for your group.  

Tour for Latin American Partnership Initiatives students

This is a private tour for eight students from the Office of Latin American Partnership Initiatives.

Pima Community College Weather & Climate Class Tour

Short lecture in Bannister 110, to be followed by a tour for Pima Community College Class.

La Posada Retirement Group Tour

Private tour for the folks from La Posada Retirement Community.

PLN 359 Tour

Tour for UA class PLN 359 Plant Science students.

National Merit Scholar Visit

National Merit Scholars will visit the lab for a brief introduction to dendrocrhonology and their meeting in Bannister 424.

FREE Docent-led One Hour Tour - Reservations Required

  • Reservations for tours are required so that the docents may prepare in advance for your tour.
  • If your group is larger than 8 people, has specific interests or requires special accommodations, please let us know in advance so that we may accommodate your needs and tailor the tour experience specifically for your group.  

FREE Docent-led One Hour Tour - TOUR IS FULL!

  • Reservations for tours are required so that the docents may prepare in advance for your tour.
  • If your group is larger than 8 people, has specific interests or requires special accommodations, please let us know in advance so that we may accommodate your needs and tailor the tour experience specifically for your group.  

Docent-led One Hour Tour - TOUR FULL!!!

  • Reservations for tours are required so that the docents may prepare in advance for your tour.
  • If your group is larger than 8 people, has specific interests or requires special accommodations, please let us know in advance so that we may accommodate your needs and tailor the tour experience specifically for your group.  
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