Bannister 110

How Mountain Topography Structured Forests by Influencing Human Fire Use

In a world where energetic efficiency is the currency of life, mountains present landscapes with varying costs for motile organisms. However, the consequences of topographic costs are not always direct or obvious. Montane topography produces cascading effects on biotic landscapes indirectly through its impacts on human movement patterns. This work presents a case study on whether topographic costs have shaped human fire use for centuries while leaving noticeable effects on regional biota, such as variations in forest age structure.

Last Millennium temperature variability and onset of industrial-era warming in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau

The Tibetan Plateau (TP), also named the “Third Pole”, plays an important role in the Asian Monsoon system and atmospheric circulation of the Northern Hemisphere. How unprecedented is the recent warming in the TP when we place it in the last millennium context? Did abnormal climate change periods, such as the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and the Little Ice Age (LIA), occur in TP? If so, when did the MCA-LIA transition occur? When did the onset of significant and sustained industrial-era warming occur? In this talk, I will introduce my work progress in this year.

Dendrochronology in Chile: Using trees as environmental monitors of natural hazards, air quality, and climate variability

The breadth of geographic conditions, climatic variations, and dynamics of the landscape of Chile makes Chile a natural laboratory for the use of dendrochronology in several of its applications. In this talk, we will share some of the experiences that are taking place in the Laboratory of Dendrochronology and Environmental Studies in the city of Valparaíso to study the dynamics of the environment in Chile.

Dendroclimatological Studies done by Nanjing University since 2006

Tree-Ring Lab at Nanjing University was built in 2006 after I got my PhD degree and moved to Nanjing University to work as a post-doctoral researcher. Since then, we have been focusing on tree-ring width studies in Southeast China which is a subtropical monsoon region with annual precipitation over 1,200 mm. We reconstructed cold season temperature and warm season temperature series over the past hundreds of years. In one case, we reconstructed one precipitation series. The research region has been extended to Southwest China recently.

Julie Comnick presents The Art of Science: Catalina-Rincon Panorama Tree-Ring Talk

Join us Wednesday, November 7 at Noon in Bannister 110 for a special Art & Science Tree-Ring talk by Julie Comnick in the Bryant Bannister Tree-Ring Building. 

A New Course Offering: Great US Ecological Catastrophes

Paul will offer a new course next semester entitled, Great US Ecological Catastrophes, listed through the School of Geography and Development.

Painted Walls and Tree-Ring Dates South of the Bears Ears: Results of Five Years of Research by the Cedar Mesa Building Murals Inventory, Documentation, and Dating Project

This presentation presents the results of the Cedar Mesa Building Murals Inventory, Documentation, and Dating Project, a five-year study (2013-2017) of decorated buildings at Ancestral Pueblo cliff-dwellings in southeastern Utah that were occupied in the Pueblo III period (A.D. 1150-1300).

From sticks to sawdust — expanding the linear aggregate growth model to project future tree growth

Investigating climate sensitivity of large-scale forest tree growth and projecting climate change impacts on said growth requires representative data. In this talk, I wrap up my two years as a Postdoc at the LTRR and show the importance of the U.S. Forest Service's tree-ring dataset to correctly represent climate sensitivity of three common species in the U.S. Southwest.

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