Bannister 110

Tour for UA Admissions Counselors

Private tour for the UA Admissions Counselors group.

Drought, heat and cold stress...and bugs: the Mediterranean joy of tree life

Mediterranean forests provide multiple challenges and opportunities to dendroecology. I will cover some of these questions by presenting three examples we have studied. These study cases include different stressors such as drought-induced dieback affecting silver fir forests, winter drought involving Scots pine stands, and defoliations caused by the pine processionary moth. Tree rings allow addressing these disturbance factors following a retrospective approach. However, I will emphasize that such observational studies must be complemented by other sources of information (e.g.

PingHsun Hsieh PhD Defense

Bannister 110 is reserved for PingHsun Hsieh's PhD Defense from 9:30-11:30AM.

Set-up for Science Communication Retreat

Set-up for the CoS Science Communication Retreat. Event will be held in Exhibit Hall (Bannister 110); Bannister 110; and Conference Room (Bannister 424).

Tree-Ring Open House @ Tucson Festival of Books

We will be hosting an Open House during the Tucson Festival of Books on Saturday, March 12 from 10AM-2PM.

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