October 2016

Extreme Events, Tree Rings and People

A new seminar class with a focus on translating environmental scholarship on tree-rings and extreme events into cross-disciplinary communications and public engagement activities.

Dendrochronology Workshop

To actively engage in and learn basic analytical steps of dendrochronology, primarily measurement and data checking as well as chronology building and interpretation using a real collection of tree-ring samples.

Sense of Place

Students are introduced to the geology and ecology of Tucson and surrounding mountain ranges, including interactions between past and present societies with desert and forest environments. Four Saturday field trips (one per month) are scheduled during the semester, each emphasizing a particular region with unique geological and biological aspects.

Environmental History of the Southwest

Environmental and cultural history of the American Southwest emphasizing discovery of the past using historical science techniques of tree-ring and packrat midden analyses as well as repeat photography and alluvial stratigraphy.

Docent Training AT Arizona State Museum

Our LTRR docents will meet up with the Arizona State Museum docents for cross-training and a tour of the Museum.

Tour for PCC Plant Science class

Students from Pima Community College will attend a tour of the Laboratory.