August 2023

A 250-year perspective on high spring flows and climatic drivers in eastern boreal Canada from flood rings

Flood severity in eastern boreal Canada has increased in recent decades (1990–2020) and is likely to increase with projected climate change in the 21st century. The lack of instrumental hydroclimatic data makes the study of paleoenvironmental indicators necessary to identify historical trends and long-term hydroclimatic trajectories. However, in boreal environment where water is not a limiting factor to tree growth, using tree ring width as a single proxy might not allow to capture a complete spectrum of hydrological variability.

Linking carbon fluxes, tree-rings, and xylem anatomy to better understand the processes of carbon allocation to aboveground woody biomass under drought conditions

Carbon allocation to woody tissues is a key set of processes underlying biomass increment during a tree’s growing season. Existing research has rarely addressed this process from a long-term perspective and its interannual to decadal dynamics remain poorly constrained. This also limits our understanding of the sub-seasonal connections and dynamics between carbon uptake and stem growth under a warming climate.