August 2023

At the crossroads: how tree-ring reconstructions can shape policy to protect vulnerable communities in the Colorado Basin

Tree-Ring Talks Seminar

Wednesday, October 4 at Noon, MST


Please join us for a presentation by Dr. George Rhee on "At the crossroads: how tree-ring-reconstructions can shape policy to protect vulnerable communities in the Colorado Basin" in Bannister 110 or via zoom.



Photosynthetic carbon isotope discrimination in trees: observations, predictions, and drivers

Abstract: Under elevated CO2, photosynthetic carbon isotope discrimination is expected to increase in response to photosynthesis stimulation driven by the growth of atmospheric CO2. While this response is widely documented in laboratory, field experiments and short-term observations, long-term proxies indicate that such response is not universally observed in forested ecosystems.

Tree-Ring Talk** Welcome Back Event

Join us for the Kickoff event for the Autumn 2023 Tree-Ring Talk series. 


Email for Zoom link (or visit Bannister Building Room 110 for live presentation).