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βPatterns And Processes Of Treeline Forest Response To Late Holocene Climate Change In The Sierra Nevada, Californiaβ. Biology. Biology. University of Arizona.
. 1996. βReconstruction And Interpretation Of Historical Patterns Of Fire Occurrence In The Organ Mountains, New Mexicoβ. Department Of Renewable Natural Resources. Department Of Renewable Natural Resources. Tucson: University of Arizona.
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βSynoptic Dendroclimatology In The Upper Marmada River Basin: An Exploratory Study In Central Asiaβ. Geoscience. Geoscience. University of Arizona.
. 1996. βCarbon Isotopic Variations In 7 Southwestern U.s. Plants From Herbarium Collections Of The Last 150 Yearsβ. School Of Renewable Natural Resources. School Of Renewable Natural Resources. University of Arizona.
. 1997. βA Dendrochronological Record Of Pandora Moth (Coloradia Pandora, Blake) Outbreaks In Central Oregonβ. Geoscience. Geoscience. Tucson: University of Arizona.
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βThe Dendrochronology Of The Navajo Pueblitos Of DinΓ©tahβ. Anthropology. Anthropology. University of Arizona.
. 1997. βFire Histories Of Upper Elevation Forests In The Gila Wilderness, New Mexico Via Fire Scar And Stand Age Structure Analysesβ. School Of Renewable Natural Resources. School Of Renewable Natural Resources. Tucson: University of Arizona.
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βA History Of Archaeological Tree-Ring Datin: 1914-1945β. Anthropology. Anthropology. University of Arizona.
. 1997. βNew Perspectives On Settlement Patterns: Sedentism And Mobility In A Social Landscapeβ. Anthropology. Anthropology. Arizona State University.
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βTsegi Canyon Cliff Ruin Beam Coring Project: A Dendrochronological Analysis Of Six Sites In The Tsegi Canyon Complex, Northeastern Arizonaβ. Anthropology. Anthropology. University of Arizona.
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βFire History In Riparian Canyon Pine-Oak Forests And The Intervening Desert Grasslands Of The Southwest Borderlands: A Dendroecological, Historical, And Cultural Inquiryβ. School Of Renewable Natural Resources. School Of Renewable Natural Resources. Tucson: University of Arizona.
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βSierra Nevada Tree Rings And Atmospheric Circulationβ. Geoscience. Geoscience. University of Arizona.
. 1998. βSimulating The Long House Valley: An Evaluation Of The Role Of Agent-Based Computer Simulation In Archaeologyβ. Anthropology. Anthropology. University of Arizona.
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βThe Architecture Of Grasshopper Pueblo: Dynamics Of Form, Function, And Use Of Space In A Prehistoric Communityβ. Anthropology. Anthropology. University of Arizona.
. 1999. βDelta(13)C And Stomatal Density Variability In Modern And Fossil Leaves Of Key Plants In The Western United Statesβ. Geosciences. Geosciences. University of Arizona.
. 1999. βThe Organization Of Migrant Communities On A Pueblo Frontierβ. Anthropology. Anthropology. University of Arizona.
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