Eight grade students from La Paloma Academy will visit the Lab for short classroom instruction in Bannister 110, and take tours of the Laboratory. Group 1 will visit at 9AM; Group 2 will visit at 11:15AM.
What do tree rings and legos have in common?Join us at the Tucson Botanical Gardens for their Art with LEGOS event. We will be in the Nextrio Playroom on Saturday, November 14 from 10AM-1PM. What can you build? Tucson Botanical Gardens is located at 2150 N Alvernon Way.For more information, visit:tucsonbotanical.org
Join docents from LTRR at Kuiper Space Science Building from 4:30-5:30PM to celebrate the University of Arizona's Moon Tree (a sycamore grown from seed that traveled to the moon). Keynote speakers include Jack Roosa, with Dr. Steve Leavitt (LTRR). Hands-on activities will follow the main program.htt://arboretum.arizona.edu/events(520) 621. 7074