Tree-Ring Talk

Dendroecology of alpine treelines on the Tibetan Plateau: an integrative understanding from xylogenesis to ecosystem

Abstract: The Tibetan Plateau hosts the world’s highest natural treelines, being potentially sensitive to climate change. In the last 10 years, Dr. Liang has been focusing on dendroecology of alpine treeline on the Tibetan Plateau. His research aims to answer these questions: what is the physiological mechanism for alpine treeline formation based on nature treelines on the Tibetan Plateau? Whether are there significant changes in structures and patterns of alpine treeline?

Timber and forest management in the Southern French Alps: dendrochronology and interdisciplinarity

Timber study makes it possible to date the traditional buildings (farms, barns, wine presses, mills, bridge ...) and specify the time variations of relationships between human societies, timber uses and forest management. The studied area is the Durance valley, and, more generally, the southern French Alps. The time window of this study is the medieval times, modern and contemporary periods, when a large amount of material (wood) is available.

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