Outreach Event

Science Cafe @ Borderlands Brewing Co.

This lecture will be held at Borderlands Brewing Co at 6PM.

Set-up for TFOB

We will setting up for our Open house during the Tucson Festival of Books.

Set-up for TFOB

We will setting up for our Open house during the Tucson Festival of Books.

Open House - Tucson Festival of Books

We will hosting an Open house during the Tucson Festival of Books from 10AM-2PM.

Set-up for TFOB

We will setting up for our Open house during the Tucson Festival of Books.

Open House - Tucson Festival of Books

We will hosting an Open house during the Tucson Festival of Books from 10AM-2PM.

Open House - Tucson Festival of Books

We will hosting an Open house during the Tucson Festival of Books from 10AM-2PM.

RX510 Event

The RX510 event schedule is as follows: 9AM-10AM. Lecture by Don Falk in Bannister 110. 10-11:30AM. Laboratory Tours. 11:30AM-12:30PM. Additional lecture(s) by TBD LTRR graduate students or post-doc.  

Tour for National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute (NAFRI) M-580 course

Tours for member of the National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute (NAFRI) M-580 course, to be held from 3-5PM.

Association for Fire Ecology Tours

We will be hosting members of the Association for Fire Ecology for a short lecture and tours. We will meet in the Outreach Classroom, located in Archive 140, to be followed by Lab tours. 9:30AM. Short lecture by Erana Loveless, PhD candidate 10-11AM. Laboratory tours.
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