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We will be hosting an Open House during the Tucson Festival of Books on Saturday, March 12 from 10AM-2PM.
College of Science Communication Retreat event in Exhibit Hall and Bannister 110 from 8AM-Noon.
Bannister 424 is reserved for the Desert Garden Club luncheon, which will be following their 11AM tour.
This event will be held at the UA Museum of Art for Family Day.
This event will be held at Rattlesnake Ridge Elementary.
This Science Night event will be held at Desert Willow Elementary School.
This is a reserved tour for guests of the UA Center for Creative Photography.
The LTRR Outreach Team will be at the Science Night event held from 6-8PM.
The LTRR Outreach Team will be at the Tucson Reading Council event.
The LTRR Outreach Team will be at the Senita Valley Science Night event, held from 6-8PM.